Dear Ishan and My Few Concerns #iamwithishan #LetsPaintTheTownRed

I thought about this a lot but then, I could not stop myself from writing this. Dear Ishan, no-doubt what you have tried and how you have been trying to excel your ‘Satyagraha’ protests are exemplary. Your abilities to inflict pain upon yourself without harming others for the united and 'harmonious' Nepal will always be appreciated. Yet I would therefore always motivate you and your strong will to challenge the state, even if I could only show my indirect involvement by sharing your status and by conveying my wishes via this blog. As one of your well-wishers, I felt that I should also share my few concerns. I must let you know that these concerns might further cement your political willingness to built our Nepal by accommodating diversity. I would like to apologize for my naivety if you find any. First , why do you think that the present head of the state should apologize when the N...