Getting that PhD Application... right!

There will be few people around who might not think PhD study as something a huge deal and some might think it is a huge deal. Atleast for me, it has been a big deal and as per my experience, it has taken many years preparing for me to start it. I thought of first writing about it once I got my application in Washington University accepted.  “Who gets a chance to study PhD abroad, generally from Nepal? Obviously Brahmin and Chhetris who easily have a good access in Kathmandu.” I will never disagree with such statement considering not only because it comes out from one of the senior scholar who has worked in Nepal for the last two decades. It also justifies how I have experienced the academic and research culture also in Kathmandu even for a short duration. I might write about this in detail later but here I will attempt to share what I feel might help especially Indigenous and Dalits students to know the tedious process of PhD application. That interaction from the scholar further motivated me to write and share this one which I feel might benefit. In addition, owing to the unequal arena of PhD study, it might be worthy enough to share how I see the process itself. I will just share here my experience especially considering there are also not many students coming out from Indigenous, Dalit and Madhesi community as a successful applicant. I will attempt to lay out few of my own experiences that might be helpful to some of you reading this though I have already met at-least three to four people back in Nepal sharing what I knew and how I did it.

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I might miss out some points though those will be determined by which department you will be applying to. Considering I have applied and now in Anthropology department, especially the students willing to apply in that particular department find this more helpful. Below are those points I have found helpful in my application.

1.     First will always be your RESEARCH TOPIC. You should at-least have your research topic figured it out before you look out for any university and even meeting any of your supervisor. If possible go to especially to the libraries of Social Science Baha ( and Martin Chautari ( and meet the librarian to access the most updated books and journals you can find related about your topic. Just go through that especially the main arguments and if possible make your topic more significant while trying to find what you can add more. This will also help in preparing your Statement of Interest (absolutely important for any University you are applying to and usually each university will tell you what they are looking for in your statement of interest [Finding the requirements should not be hard]).

2.     Second, finding the UNIVERSITY. If possible, try to limit your list to Eight universities. It will be upto you where you want to apply but my safest bet for PhD application and considering the funding opportunities will be USA. Usually in other countries from Europe, you have to again reapply for your funding separately which might not really be helpful to you. Regarding this list, try to select at-least three best universities like an Ivy league including Columbia, Yale and so on. And choose average universities for the remaining list. In this university, especially go through the faculty and with whom your research interest meets or which supervisor can fulfill and expand your research understanding. Remember the word ‘WHY’ whenever you try to identify such professors. Try to choose three supervisors for that considering your similar research interest as you will need that also for your statement of interest.

3.     Third, finding your REFERRALS. Usually the US university require three referrals and they also tell you about the type of referrals they are looking for or want you to submit. Try to find those referrals with whom you have previously worked at any research project; you can also chose such referral with whom you have taken your Master level class; you can also choose a referral who knows your research very well. If possible try to find time to meet them all personally or via email, secondary and tell them properly about your objectives and your need to find their help. Make sure that these referrals have an official email address. Usually an informal email address such as gmail, yahoo, or even hotmail will not work.

4.     Fourth, meeting the PROFESSOR. Especially if you are looking to work with those professors who have worked and are still working in Nepal, you want to meet him/her. One way about finding such professors and their visits could be participating in the Martin Chautari discussions where foreign based scholars also present their work. If possible talk to them and exchange emails sharing your research interest and try to find if they know any professor coming soon in Nepal. You can also try to know about this by writing an email in the address you can find in those universities’ faculties display. For example, is for the faculty working in the Anthropology department of Washington University in St Louis, Missouri and each professor has their official email. Utilize that by writing a brief yet clear email about what you are looking for or your research interest and wait at-least for a week for their reply. Do not waste your time by waiting it for a month. And if he/she’s coming to Nepal, look out for an appointment. I have met my current supervisor at-least twice in Nepal. Besides, select other two professors from the same university and like I’ve written above, find the similar research interest. You need to clearly write the reason why you selected those professors in your statement of interest.  

5.     Fifth, submit everything at-least a month before the DEADLINE. See each university’s department deadline and by when you should be submitting your documents (get all those documents scanned especially your Bachelor level and Master level transcripts and character certificates; this will take time and be clever). Mainly, try to know also the deadline about your funding application. Usually the funding deadline with US universities will be DECEMBER. As the competition among the applicants will be very tough, try to submit your documents (usually scanned documents via online and still those transcripts and character certificates’ photocopies via FEDEX; don’t forget to get those Master level certificates attested by your University; In the case of Tribhuvan University, it at-least takes a week to get those certificates attested; obviously its distance never helps) at-least by OCTOBER. This will also give you more time to sharpen your application.  
6.     Sixth, it will be your TOEFL/IELTS and GRE scores. Do not really give total concentration on your scores. Not only it will not be worthy, it will really consume your time. Obviously aim for very good scores but not the excellent scores as usually it will nearly be impossible to get it unless you feel you are very good in English, I meant near to the best both in reading and writing. Still talk to your professor/supervisor and what he/she's looking for in those scores. Mostly they expect good scores in English section including reading, writing and essay (both TOEFL/IELTS and GRE) and do not really care about Maths section (for GRE). 

7.     Finally, you will need hard-work, patience and luck. Only if you are talking about the application process and when you will be notified by the University, the whole process at-least takes one year, which is also why you need to perform your best. As its also a long time, you will need patience. Certain feelings of absurdity never helps yet require your patience during the application. Lastly, you will need that luck work out for you.

I might have missed some other points. Still I have tried to share what I know mostly coming out from my experience. Like I have stated above, this will usually apply for those students applying in any anthropology faculty abroad. After that, as one of my good friend said ‘do your best and enjoy!’. Till then BEST WISHES!!!


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