
Showing posts from September, 2017

The Late Yangzom Tsering as published in LA.LIT Literary Magazine

Yangzom Tsering’s Life Story As transcribed and translated by Tashi Tewa Dolpo Published in: Dolpo, Tashi Tewa (2017, May) ‘Yangzom Tsering’s Life Story’. Manjushree Thapa (ed.) (2017). LA.LIT: A Literary Magazine, Volume 8. May 2017.                                                            Photo by: Phurwa Tashi (Translator’s notes are in italics throughout the interview.) It had already been more than two months since I’d tried to interview 79-year-old Yangzom Tsering about her life story. I was a student of gender studies, which emphasizes the significance of the experience of diverse women, speaking to the complexities of the socio-cultural, religious, economic and political domains of society that affect social agency. The story of how the life of an elderly woman from Dolpo is shaped by her surroundings is yet to be written about in academia. That the exercise would be empowering for Yangzom Tsering was reason enough for me to interview her, but her ol